ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy

ICFP 2024 will take place at Allianz MiCo (Milano Convention Center) which doesn’t have hotel rooms. Attendees are encouraged to book the hotel rooms that best suit their needs either using the ICFP Official Housing Bureau (see below) or using any other means they prefer.

MiCo dmc is the Official Housing Bureau for ICFP 2024 and has reserved a number of hotel rooms at preferential rates in different price categories in Milan and surrounding areas for ICFP attendees. Click here to book your room through this service.

Due to limited room availability in Milan, it is advised that you make your reservation as early as possible in order to have the best choice of available hotels.

For any information please contact MiCodmc at:
P.le Carlo Magno 1 - 20149 Milan – Italy
Tel.: +39 02 4997 6275
e-mail: icfp2024.hotels@micodmc.it

Emails from travel agencies

We were notified that several attendees were contacted by email to reserve their hotel rooms for ICFP. Although some of these emails may come from proper travel agencies, they are not endorsed by ICFP or ACM. Nobody from ICFP will contact attendees in order to book their hotel rooms. Attendees are encouraged to directly book their rooms either using the service described above, or any other service they prefer.


Since September 2012, Milan City Council has introduced a city tax for tourists staying overnight in Milan. Tourists will have to pay the levy in addition to the hotel bill as follows:

  • Euro 5,00 per person per night for guests staying at 4 and 5-star hotels

  • Euro 4,50 per person per night for guests staying at 3-star hotels