ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy

Sponsoring ICFP 2024

The 29th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming is currently scheduled to take place  in Milan, Italy, on 2–7 September 2024.


ICFP is the premier conference on functional programming languages, covering all aspects of theory, implementation, and application. Every year, we bring together over 500 world-leading researchers, practitioners, and students to discuss the latest findings, collaborate on new ideas, and meet new people. By sponsoring ICFP, your organization can demonstrate its commitment to supporting high quality research and to developing the next generation of functional programming experts.

Most of our sponsorship funds are used to help students from around the world afford to attend the conference and get the most out of their experience, as well as to help ensure open-access publishing for the research papers presented at the conference. We believe that this commitment will pay dividends for our students, our sponsors, and the public for years to come. If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, we’d love to hear from you: get in touch with our sponsorship team at sponsorship.icfp.2024@gmail.com .

Sponsorship Opportunities and Benefits

Bronze - $2,000

  • Your logo on the ICFP 2024 website
  • Your name listed in the conference materials and journal special issue

Silver - $4,000

  • All of the benefits of Bronze sponsorship
  • One complimentary 3-day ICFP registration
  • A table at the industrial reception
  • Your logo in the conference materials and journal special issue
  • Your logo on publicity materials such as banners and posters

Gold - $7,500

  • All of the benefits of Silver sponsorship
  • One additional complimentary 3-day ICFP registration (2 in total)
  • An opportunity to include branded merchandise in participants’ swag bag

Platinum - $13,000

  • All the benefits of Gold sponsorship
  • One additional complimentary 3-day ICFP registration (3 in total)
  • An opportunity to speak to the audience at the industrial reception
  • A table/booth-like space in the coffee break areas

Diamond - $20,000

  • All the benefits of Platinum sponsorship
  • Sponsor will directly support captioning of all live ICFP 2024 events
  • Your logo and mention of captioning sponsorship will be visible during the breaks and in between talks
  • Your logo will be displayed on the conference attendee lanyard
  • There will only be one Diamond sponsor

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer some additional sponsorship options to sponsors at the silver level or above.

Mentoring Silver Sponsor - $2,500

The Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) at ICFP aims to encourage graduate students and senior undergraduate students to pursue careers in programming language research. As a sponsor, you will help to fund women and underrepresented minority students to attend both ICFP and PLMW.

  • Your logo will be included in the PLMW @ ICFP 2024 web site.

Mentoring Gold Sponsor - $5,000

  • Your logo will be included in the PLMW @ ICFP 2024 web site
  • You will get a table/booth-like space during PLMW

Streaming Sponsor - $6,000

  • Covers one day of streaming costs for the main ICFP conference track
  • Your logo and mention of streaming sponsorship will be included in the stream during the breaks and in between talks

Women@ICFP Dinner Sponsor - $8,500

The Women@ICFP dinner aims to connect women PL faculty, postdocs and students. It is intended to celebrate achievements, small and big, and provide a low-pressure atmosphere to foster building one’s support group.

  • Your logo will be displayed at the entrance of the dinner and your sponsoring is mentioned during dinner
  • There will only be one Women@ICFP dinner sponsor

Lanyard Sponsor - $4,000

You provide the lanyards that every attendee will wear around their neck.

Workshop sponsor

It is possible to sponsor a co-located event. Get in touch with the respective workshop organisers for details.


Mathieu Boespflug (Tweag), Daniel Winograd-Cort (Nectry)


ICFP Industrial Relations Chairs