ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy
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Results (416)

Adams, Michael D.
National University of SingaporeUnited States
Ahmad, Adeel
Laboratoire d'Informatique Signal et Image de la Côte d'Opale, ULCO
Ahmed, Amal
Northeastern University, USAUnited States
Allais, Guillaume
University of StrathclydeUnited Kingdom
Benac Earle, Clara
Universidad Politécnica de MadridSpain
Blanco, Roberto
Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP)
Boujbel, Raja
Caires, Luís
INESC-ID / Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of LisbonPortugal
Campbell, Brian
University of Edinburgh
Casinghino, Chris
Jane Street
Charguéraud, Arthur
Inria; Université de Strasbourg; CNRS; ICubeFrance
Chiang, Tsung-Ju
University of Toronto
Claessen, Koen
Chalmers University of Technology and Epic GamesSweden
Clément, Basile
Collie, Bruce
Runtime Verification, Inc.United Kingdom
Crestani, Marcus
Active Group GmbHGermany
de Barrio, Luis Eduardo Bueso
Universidad Politécnica de MadridSpain
Deplaix, Kate
Consultant for the OCaml Software Foundation and AhrefsUnited Kingdom
Fluet, Matthew
Rochester Institute of TechnologyUnited States
Fredlund, Lars-Åke
Universidad Politécnica de MadridSpain
Germane, Kimball
Brigham Young UniversityUnited States
Goldstein, Harrison
University of PennsylvaniaUnited States
Gonzalez, Gabriella
Mercury TechnologiesUnited States
Gordon, Andrew D.
Cogna and University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom
Hagan, Kerry
University of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignUnited States
Henrio, Ludovic
University of Lyon - ENS Lyon - UCBL - CNRS - Inria - LIPFrance
Herranz, Ángel
Universidad Politécnica de MadridSpain
Heunen, Chris
University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom
Hu, Raymond
Queen Mary University of LondonUnited Kingdom
Jansson, Patrik
Chalmers University of Technology and University of GothenbrugSweden
Johnson, Daniel D.
Google ResearchCanada
Kaarsgaard, Robin
University of Southern DenmarkDenmark
Kammar, Ohad
University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom
Kaufman, Marc
Central European UniversityAustria
Koparkar, Chaitanya S.
The MathWorks, Inc.United States
Kuper, Lindsey
University of California, Santa CruzUnited States
Lee, Dongjae
Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea
Lorenzen, Anton
University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom
Magalhães, José Pedro
Standard Chartered BankUnited Kingdom
Malewski Correa, Mara
University of Chile, ChileChile
Mariño, Julio
Universidad Politécnica de MadridSpain
Moine, Alexandre
Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers
IT University of CopenhagenDenmark
Near, Joseph P.
University of VermontUnited States
Neto, Adolfo
Federal University of Technology - ParanáBrazil
Odersky, Martin
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S.
University of Hong KongChina
Paszke, Adam
Google ResearchPoland
Pereira, Mário
NOVA LINCS & DI -- Nova School of Science and TechnologyPortugal
Rainey, Mike
Carnegie Mellon UniversityUnited States
Ricciotti, Wilmer
University of Edinburgh, UKItaly
Russo, Alejandro
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden / University of Gothenburg, Sweden / DPella AB, SwedenSweden
Sato, Ryosuke
Tokyo University of Agriculture and TechnologyJapan
Schlegel, Markus
Active Group GmbHGermany
Schneider, Marco
Active Group GmbHGermany
Sergey, Ilya
National University of SingaporeSingapore
Seri, Marcello
Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
Singh, Abhishek Kr
School of Computing, National University Of SingaporeSingapore
Stark, Ian
The University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom
Stevens, Perdita
University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom
Tanter, Éric
University of Chile
Tymoczko, Dmitri
Princeton UniversityUnited States
Verbitskaia, Ekaterina
JetBrains Research; Constructor University BremenNetherlands
Vivien, Samuel
INRIA & École Normale Supérieure | Université PSLFrance
Wrigstad, Tobias
Uppsala UniversitySweden
Wu, Nicolas
Imperial College LondonUnited Kingdom
Xue, Xu
University of Hong KongChina
Yallop, Jeremy
University of CambridgeUnited Kingdom