ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy

ICFP 2024 is organized as an in-person event.

The talks schedules and social events will follow a schedule appropriate for the local time zone (CEST). Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend in person.

However, since we live in uncertain times, and because not everyone will be able to attend, we also offer virtual participation. All the talks from ICFP and the colocated workshops will be streamed online in real-time on SIGPLAN’s YouTube Channel for video streaming and Discord for Q&A.

Virtual participation is free on YouTube and Discord. But, if you want to be recognized as an official participant of ICFP, you can choose to register.

For Presenters

If none of the authors of an accepted paper or a talk can attend in person, at least one of them is encouraged to participate online. In such cases, the presenter has two options to present:

  1. Live presentation over Discord.
  2. Pre-recorded Talk with live Q&A on Discord after the talk video is played.

Please follow these instructions for giving your remote talk, or recording and submitting your video.

For Attendees

Live Streams are available on the front page