ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy
Hanliang Zhang

Registered user since Sun 28 Jan 2024

Name:Hanliang Zhang

I’m a second year Ph.D. student in Bristol PL Research Group at the University of Bristol. I’m fortunate to be supervised by Meng Wang and Cristina David. I’m interested in programming languages, program analysis and software verification. I’m currently working on the automatic generation of safe and correct code by devising static analysis and leveraging the power of LLMs.

Before joining Bristol, I was an undergrad at Peking University supervised by Zhenjiang Hu and Yingfei Xiong. I had a wonderful time conducting research on reasoning and optimising bidirectional programs by using program calculation techniques.

Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:University of Bristol, UK
Research interests:Programming Languages, Program Analysis, Software Verification


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