ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy
Xavier Góngora

Registered user since Thu 22 Aug 2024

Name:Xavier Góngora

Xavier Góngora was introduced to jazz improvisation by composer and engineer Alberto Palomo in Mérida, Yucatán. While pursuing his degree in mathematics at UNAM, he delved into complex and quantum geometry under the mentorship of mathematical physicist Micho Durdevich, who ignited his passion for the transdisciplinary exploration of mathematics and music. He went on to earn a Master’s degree in Music Technology from UNAM, with a thesis on remixing and sampling as forms of composition and re-appropriation, guided by sound artist and composer Jorge David García. Currently, he works on his doctoral thesis exploring the intersections of programming languages, music, and geometry. His personal musical project, Niño Artillero, embodies his interdisciplinary approach, blending elements of art, mathematics, and technology.

Affiliation:Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Research interests:Functional Programming, Music Technology, Music DSLs, Algorithmic Composition, Live Coding


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