ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy

0 results

People (2 results)
David Allsopp

David Allsopp

… …

Brooklyn Zelenka

Brooklyn Zelenka

… …

Events (45 results)

Requirements are All You Need

ICFP Papers and Events When: Tue 3 Sep 2024 09:00 - 10:00 People: Andrew D. Gordon

… …

A Teaching Language for Specification

Scheme 2024 When: Sat 7 Sep 2024 11:00 - 11:30 People: Cameron Moy

… to provide a smooth path from informal specifications all the way to statically …

Typed, Concise, Nanopass (pick 3) (Extended Abstract)

TyDe 2024 When: Fri 6 Sep 2024 16:00 - 16:22 People: Lawrence Chonavel

… Writing maintainable compilers is hard. You might want a typed compiler. You want a nanopass compiler. Your might want a concise compiler. But you can’t have all 3 at once – until you read this paper! …

Bidirectional Data Transformations

FUNARCH 2024 When: Fri 6 Sep 2024 16:00 - 16:45 People: Marcus Crestani, Markus Schlegel, Marco Schneider

… several data structures and formats all the time. Authoring these translations …

Attending Information (5 results)

Code of Conduct

… for registration and all conference activities. Special circumstances may …/policy-against-discrimination-and-harassment). We expect all the participants … or opportunity for participation at the conference and all associated events …

Virtual participation

… offer virtual participation.** All the talks from ICFP and the colocated …

Call For Sponsorship

all aspects of theory, implementation, and application. Every year, we bring …

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Tracks (17 results)

FARM 2024

… in industry or the arts are all within the scope of the workshop.

In addition …. This performance evening is sponsored and hosted by ICFP, and open to all attendees … are all within the scope of the workshop.

In addition to the main workshop …

Higher-order, Typed, Inferred, Strict: ML Family Workshop 2024

… , Flix, and many others. All ML languages, besides a great deal of syntax, share several fundamental traits. They are all higher-order, mostly pure, and typed … of the workshop includes all aspects of the design, semantics, theory …

TyDe 2024

… welcome all contributions, both theoretical and practical, on a range of topics … welcome all contributions, both theoretical and practical, on a range of topics …://tyde24.hotcrp.com](https://tyde24.hotcrp.com)

All submissions should …

General (13 results)

FProPer 2024 Homepage

… FPROPER 2024 Welcome to the website of the FPROPER 2024 conference. We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon! 7017d7f7-8d50-49f2-a1ae-159342253dca …

OCaml 2024 Homepage

… OCaml 2024 Welcome to the website of the OCaml 2024 conference. We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon! 3d95594f-00ee-42bb-8eb2-a0d7690ba8ec …

HIW 2024 Homepage

… HIW 2024 Welcome to the website of the HIW 2024 conference. We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon! 44ee12fc-9724-4e9d-b4e0-3690fc5c2057 …