ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy
Mon 2 Sep 2024 14:55 - 15:30 at Meeting 3 - Music Generation

Procedural music generation in video game is rarely used in development despite its potential support for interactive nar- ratives, and falls behind broadly-used procedural methods like graphic management. Currently, developers rely on pre- produced audio sequences, focusing on sound quality while balancing storage and variety. Techniques like layering and re-sequencing are standard through sound design platforms like FMOD and Wwise, allowing adaptation and interactiv- ity in gameplay. However, this can lead to repetitive audio, which becomes particularly noticeable in extended gaming sessions, diminishing the impact of musical storytelling. This study introduces the Progressive Adaptive Music Gen- erator (PAMG), an algorithmic system that generates contin- uous music streams based on gameplay variables, seamlessly transitioning between moods, styles, and tension levels. It includes motivation, theoretical framework in the field of generative music, overview of the system structure, and a preliminary implementation test involving a Trial Game that compares conventional implementation with PAMG. In the discussion section, it addresses test results and issues, and fu- ture work. The study reveals a preference for PAMG’s music over traditional methods in certain aspects, although results are not conclusive.

Mon 2 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

14:00 - 15:30
Music GenerationFARM at Meeting 3
Demo: A Geometric Approach to Generate Musical Rhythmic Patterns in Haskell
Xavier Góngora Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Link to publication DOI
Diffusion-Based Sound Synthesis in Music Production
Pierre-Louis Suckrow Berlin University of the Arts, Technical University of Berlin, Christoph Johannes Weber University of Television and Film Munich, LMU Munich, Sylvia Rothe University of Television and Film Munich
Demo: Functional Sound Design
Stefano Panelli Conservatorio A. Vivaldi Alessandria
A Progressive-Adaptive Music Generator (PAMG): An Approach to Interactive Procedural Music for Videogames
Alvaro Lopez Duarte University of California Riverside