ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy
Fri 6 Sep 2024 11:45 - 12:30 at Meeting 6 - FUNARCH Talks #1 Chair(s): Perdita Stevens

This paper describes the design of a verified tool for analyzing tool paths defined in the RS-274 language for 3d printing systems. We describe how the analyzer was designed to allow a mixture of verification and code-extraction techniques to be combined for constructing a correct toolpath analyzer written in the OCaml language. We show how we moved from a fully hand-written OCaml program to one incorporating verified components, highlighting architectural decisions that were made to facilitate this process. Finally, we share a set of architectural lessons that are generally applicable to other software with a similar goal of integration of verified components.

Fri 6 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

11:00 - 12:30
FUNARCH Talks #1FUNARCH at Meeting 6
Chair(s): Perdita Stevens University of Edinburgh
Research paper
F3: A Compiler For Feature Engineering
Weixi Ma Meta, Arnaud Venet Facebook, Junhua Gu Meta, Subbu Subramanian Meta, Siyu Wang Meta, Rocky Liu Meta, Daniel Friedman Indiana University, Yafei Yang
Experience report
Design and implementation of a verified interpreter for additive manufacturing programs
Matthew Sottle Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Mohit Tekriwal Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory