ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy
Sat 7 Sep 2024 14:45 - 15:07 at Orange 2 - OCaml 5: progress in the multicore world Chair(s): Ambre Austen Suhamy

The Domainslib library for multicore OCaml provides support for fine-grained parallel programming by implementing lightweight parallel tasks with a work stealing scheduler. This talk motivates an extension to Domainslib which allows tasks to be assigned priorities, with higher-priority tasks scheduled preferentially over lower-priority tasks. The extension, called Priodomainslib, implements a priority-based work stealing scheduler and provides a wrapper around mutexes allowing for safe synchronization without priority inversions. Existing code using Domainslib can use Priodomainslib (at a single priority) with no modifications.

Paper (ocaml2024-final19.pdf)411KiB

Sat 7 Sep

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