ICFP 2024
Mon 2 - Sat 7 September 2024 Milan, Italy
Sat 7 Sep 2024 11:22 - 11:45 at Orange 2 - OCaml developer experience Chair(s): Gabriel Radanne

This progress report describes the design of the first implementation of project-wide occurrences for OCaml, a feature of editor tooling that allows users to query all the occurrences of a selected value (or type or module), anywhere in the project. This is a big step from the previous occurrences feature that only returned results in the current buffer. This work involved non-trivial patches to the compiler, dune, merlin and ocaml-lsp-server. This report describes the high-level architecture of the feature and focuses on some of the involved challenges.

Paper (ocaml2024-final7.pdf)111KiB

Sat 7 Sep

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